Sales FAQ

Education Discounts

Educational discounts are not presently offered.

Upgrade Policy

Personal licenses come with 3 years of updates. After 3 years, you'll be able to continue to use the last version released within 3 years of purchase (in other words, licenses do not expire). Any versions released 3 years or more after the purchase date will require a paid upgrade to use.

Expiration Date

Individual licenses are valid for 3 years of updates, but do not expire after 3 years. Only if you wish to use newer versions will an upgrade fee be required.

Business subscription licenses are valid for as long as the subscription is active.

Multiple Operating Systems or Computers

Licenses are per-user, so you're welcome to use the one license on all computers and operating systems where you are the primary user.

Using a Personal License at Work

As licenses are per-user, you're welcome to use your license key on all computers where you are the primary user, including at work.

However, personal licenses are only available for personal ownership: businesses and organizations must purchase a business license.

Business vs Personal

Business licenses are associated with a subscription, but are still tied to individuals. For a business, first you purchase a subscription with a given number of seats, and then allocate the seats to individual users. The number of seats can be changed at any time, as can the allocation of seats.

Business licenses will expire when the subscription is cancelled, while personal licenses will remain valid forever, with updates for 3 years.

All license keys will have an individuals name on them.

Educational Institutions

If you would like to purchase a subscription for use in a computer lab, it is not necessary to have the number of seats equal to the number of students. You may purchase the lesser of either: 1) the number of computers that will have our product installed or 2) the number of students who will be using it. In the former case, it will be necessary to allocate one seat per computer.

Site Licenses or Group Buying

Site licenses and group buying are not offered.

Taking a Business License Home

Employees should not use a business license at home, unless on a work computer or for work purposes. License keys are owned by the business, and may not be shared with other companies or individuals.

Mac App Store

There are currently no plans to sell via the Mac App Store.


Refunds are available within 30 days of purchasing. Please send us an email if you wish to claim a refund.

Any more questions? Email